
Showing posts from May, 2020


Exercise for Myocardial infarction during covid-19 Lockdown       Medical History    Mr x is a 46 year old who had an unremarkable medical history. He is sedentary and has been for most of his adult life. He works with ministry of budget and planning. He has smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 22 years and his body mass index is 28.6.His total cholesterol is 276mg. dl-l, LDL is 146mg. dl-l and HDL is 26mg. dl-l. He does not know his typical blood pressure value.         Diagnosis      Mr x presented to the emergency department with substernal and left arm discomfort and diaphoresis. Mr x was immediately given morphine on arrival at the hospital. His blood pressure was 185/117mmHg. An ECG     Demonstrated ST-segment elevation and tall T waves in leads VI through V6 and ll, III, and avf. Blood was drawn and analyzed for creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenas...


EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION FOR HYPERLIPIDEMIA AND DYSLIPIDEMIA PATIENT DURING COVID-19 Hello my dear students, hope the ease of lockdown is having positive effect on your life and while carrying out your legitimate business or work, please ensure that you keep to the NCDC guidelines on COVID-19 in order to keep safe.       Medical History and Diagnosis       Mr. X, a 47- year old banker, has been referred to an exercise programme for cardio vascular disease risk reduction following a recent medical examination. He has a family history of heart disease and stroke. His Parent had a nonfatal myocardial infarction at 55 and his grandmother a fatal stroke at 72. He is 5 ft 9 in. and weighs 202lb,  and his medical history is unremarkable. He currently lack exercise but he was involved in exercise some years ago. He smokes and drinks a lot and self report of moderate amount of stress on the job. A fasting blood lipid profile wa...


Theories and Models of physical activity promotion Mrs x is a 47 years old, married with three children. She is employed as a senior officer in ministry of budget and planning and reports experiencing an above average level of tension and stress. She presents at the referral of her primary care physician, who has observed that the client has elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels that may be attributed to her stressful and highly sedentary job. In addition, the client admitted that she would like to lose 20 to 30 kg and improve her fitness so that she can walk with her husband in their street. The client is average tall and weighs 120kg with a corresponding body mass index of 35.2 she has a resting heart rate of 87 beats per minute and a resting blood pressure of 137/90 mmHg. Her total cholesterol is 199mg. dl-1 untreated and her high -density lipoproteins are 36mg. dl-1. Her graded treadmill stress test reveals that she has a vo2 Max of 22.5 my. kg-1.min-1,...