Exercise Recommendations For The Elderly. Geriatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases associated with elderly people above 65 years and the aging process. As people age, they go through physiological process that are natural and likely enhanced by certain conditions ( example, inactivity, environmental factors).For the purpose of description, the elderly are divided into the old age(65-74 years of age),the very old age (75-84 years of age),and the oldest old (older than 85 years of age).Although these groups chronologically categorize the elderly, they are a heterogeneous group of individuals in terms of physiological status and there is overlap between groups. Medical History Mrs X is a 75 -year-old black woman who has a history of falling and osteoarthritis in her hands. She has been a House wife for most of her life and has never performed any type of regular physical activity. She lives by herself and ha...