

Exercise Recommendations For The Elderly.      Geriatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases associated with elderly people above 65 years and the aging process. As people age, they go through physiological process that are natural and likely enhanced by certain conditions ( example, inactivity, environmental factors).For the purpose of description, the elderly are divided into the old age(65-74 years of age),the very old age (75-84 years of age),and the oldest old (older than 85 years of age).Although these groups chronologically categorize the elderly, they are a heterogeneous group of individuals in terms of physiological status and there is overlap between groups.       Medical History Mrs X is a 75 -year-old black  woman who has a history of falling and osteoarthritis in her hands. She has been a House wife for most of her life and has never performed any type of regular physical activity. She lives by herself and ha...


  MUSCLE TESTING Manual muscle tests are used to determine the extent and degree of muscular weakness resulting from disease, injuring or disuse. The records obtained from the tests provide a basis for planning therapeutic procedures and for periodic retesting, which can be utilized in evaluating these procedures. Muscle testing is therefore an important tool for all members for the health team dealing with the physical residual of disability.           The public and the health professions are demanding a total approach to patient treatment. The emphasis is changing from “Sick Care” to “Health Care” through the pursuit of comprehensive, continuous and coordinated care. Consequently physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses and their supporting personnel have need for varying levels of knowledge and ability in muscle testing in their concern for preventing disability, habilitating those who have never known n...


  Swimming is one of the best activities for developing all-round fitness because water supports the body weight of the swimmer, swimming places less stress than weight-bearing activities on joints, ligaments and tendons and tends to cause fewer injuries. Anyone or any combination of common swimming strokes- Front craw/stroke, breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly stroke, side stroke or elementary back stroke can help develop and maintain cardiorespiratory fitness. Swimming may not be as helpful as walking, jogging or cycling for body fat loss. Intensity, duration and frequency: because swimming is not a weight-bearing activity and is not done in an upright position, it elicits a lower heart rate per minute. Therefore, you need to adjust your target heart rate zone. To calculate your target heart rate for swimming, use the formula Maximum swimming heart rate (MSHR)=205-Age Target Heart Rate Zone=65-90% of MSHR For example, a 18-year old would calculate her target heart ra...


Medical History:                   Mrs X, a 28 year -old Caucasian female, was diagnosed with MS 7 years ago. At that time she had problems with ataxia and diplopia. She has had one or two exacerbation of MS per year since that time. An increase in disease stability was noted after she started recombinant interferon 5 years ago. She stopped the interferon therapy briefly during a pregnancy 4 years ago, and after the pregnancy she had three exacerbations during the following year despite being back on Betaseron. With each exacerbation, her symptoms of ataxia, vertigo, and diplopia worsened. These symptoms involve primarily the left side of her body. These extremities also cramp on occasion. After all, she functions reasonably well, taking care of her children at home. She later quit working within a year after her diagnosis because of problems with ataxia and fatigue. An MRI of her   brain demonstrated multiple white matter...

Revascularization of the Heart and Exercise Prescription.

Revascularization of the Heart and Exercise Prescription.                          Medical History                  Mr X is a 67 years old who previously had an unremarkable medical history. He is sedentary and has been for most of his adult life. He was admitted within the last month for unstable angina.                 Procedures :progress cardiac catheterization and off-pump two -vessels CABS.                                      Following PTCA   and stent placement at the first admission, he had early recurrence of angina and...


Exercise Prescription For End-Stage Renal Disease Treated with Dialysis.                             Cardiovascular Exercise         The Exercise clinicians should use the following guidelines in prescribing cardiovascular exercise for dialysis patients :                     Mode :walking, cycling, swimming, low -level aerobics, mild stepping.         Frequency :4 to 5 days per week.                                       Intensity :RPE of 12 to 15 (on 6 to 20 point scale)            Duration :work up to 30 min of continuous exercise.          Progression :start with intervals of intermittent exercise and gradually increase the...


Obesity is a chronic disease for which short term intervention has limited effectiveness and long term success is rare and primarily limited to surgical treatment. Clinicians should approach obesity as a disease in itself as well as managing its co morbidities. Exercise has an important contribution in the management of obesity as a vital adjunct to diet, drugs, and surgical treatment.                                        An Exercise prescription for weight loss requires manipulating intensity and duration to benefit caloric expenditure and may not provide cardiovascular improvements in those patients with comorbidities that require associated fitness benefits. Medical History and Diagnosis                   ...