Medical History Mrs X is a 30-year-old personnel officer. She has had recurrent back pain since the age of 18.At that time she had an awkward fall while playing basketball in school. She was taken to health center inside the school, where she was given the diagnosis of muscle strain and treated with pain killers and muscle relaxants. Although her back improved very quickly, she feels that the pain never completely resolved. As she continued through her university days she had continuing periods of pain they seemed to be less severe when she was physically active. At age 24 ,she experienced another acute episode of back pain that began suddenly when she sat down on a couch. This time she did not seek medical help but treated herself with over the counter pain medication. The pain slowly resolved over several months and finally joined fitness exercise programme from my side. Diagnosis 6 months ago, she was playing basketball with her husband and she had a sudden onset of severe...