Medical History and Diagnosis.
Mrs x a 45 years old has been discharged from isolation center after tested negative for covid-19. She has been referred to an exercise programme for mental health risk reduction following a recent medical examination. She has a family history of depression and stress disorder.
She is 5 ft 8 in. and weighs 200Ib, and her medical history is unremarkable. A fasting blood lipid profile was obtained during her medical examination and revealed the following :
Total cholesterol is 226mg. dI-1
HDL is 30mg. dl-1
LDL is 164mg. dl-1
Triglycerides is 300mg. dl-1
She has a resting heart rate of 72 beats per minute and resting blood pressure of 130/90
Exercise prescription
Initial exercise programme
Frequency =2 days per week
Intensity =100-12obeats/mi
Rating of perceived exertion =5-10
Duration =5-10min
Exercise progression
(over first 6-12weeks)
Frequency =3 days/ week
Intensity =progress towards the upper end of intensity range as patient tolerates
Duration =gradually increase to 25 mins.
Exercise progression
(after 3 months)
Frequency =3 -4 days /week
Intensity =120-140 beats/mi
Rating of perceived exertion =10-12
Duration =20-30 mins.
Patients admitted to the intensive care unit and put on a ventilator often suffered depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Patients with covid-19 tend to need a particularly large amount of sedation, which damages muscles and nerves, especially in the lungs.
That damage can be permanent which can, in turn, undermine the patient 's mental health.
We must support covid-19 survivors by taking them out to their mind rest. We must reach out to them. We must not stigmatise them.
The covid-19 pandemic has thrown up fears, distress, worry and pessimism. The virus has recorded Thousands of death, affected millions with over three millions recoveries.
Those who had recovered, their stay in intensive care was likely to be one of the most traumatic things they would ever experience.
Exercise has been known over the years to be of great value to physical health and the promotion of sound mental health. Exercise is seen as a medicine that prevents health problems and serves as therapeutic measure in the rehabilitation of patients with varying degrees of disease conditions.
The use of exercise prescription as the best alternative to health problems has attracted more collaborative research work in medical practice. However, there seems to be challenges in the optimal utilization of exercise prescription in the Management of Mild Mental Health Disorders. (MMMHD)
Mental health connotes emotional well-being the capacity to live a full and creative life and the flexibility to deal with life's inevitable challenges.(WHO) (2001) defines mental health as a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities and is able to cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to contribute to his or her community.
Question for today
Are you ready to assist covid-19 survivors through reach out to them.
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