Mental health disorders and Physical activities Mrs x is a 57 years old from Ondo town with a history of moderate mental disorder (depression). The patient is referred to me for physical activities programmes. Solution: The exercises programme should put the following into consideration: 1. Mode/type of physical activity the following exercises should be considered :walking, (including brisk type) swimming, bicycling, gardening, cleaning up the compound, washing cars,engaging in other household chores,jogging,rebounding and stretching. 2. Frequency of the physical activity :Here you consider how many times a week will this activity be carried out. It is advisable to be at least in terms of days of the week :Monday, Wednesday and Friday/Saturday. 3. Duration of the physical activity :Thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily. It could be 30 minutes a session. And the activity could be for a specified period of about 12 weeks or all the year round. 4. In...