No need to trade blames on Covid-19 outbreak
The Covid-19 virus may have come into the country under avoidable circumstances but this is no time to trade blames or take sides with healthcare workers or the government. It is a time for everyone to report on issues that will lead to the containment of the virus. As an experts, we would not like to see our relations die of this scourge that has sneaked in on us,we should, therefore, all work assiduously to ensure that everyone around us is informed about the virus and how to prevent it.
I want to call on all Nigerians to put national interest above self interest, we should not hide family members, Who may show signs of the virus as we are not only endangering our lives but the lives of many other Nigerians.
Our Government should distribute relief package to our less privileged in our community. I am also using this opportunity to call our healthcare workers to call off the strike in their state and respond to the national emergency, just as government has declared a state of emergency on coronavirus and release of funds will help to procure more protective gears for their job. I say big thank you to all our healthcare workers all over the nations who have risked their lives and continue to risk their lives to save the lives of many other Nigerians.

We Nigerians can only thank them by praying and playing our in the fight against coronavirus. We must all stay at home and fight this virus and contain it, containing this virus is as much an individual effort as it is a collective effort, government cannot do it alone if we all do not assist by being vigilant, taking precaution and adhering to all the advice of the medical practitioners.

I quite appreciate the Nigerian culture of making light every challenge, I urge everyone to be careful the way we make light this particular health challenge. We must endeavor not to make this worse than it already is by spreading rumours, which may only lead to more health challenges just as the ginger -water anti -coronavirus therapy did.
I am also using this opportunity to commend world health organization (WHO), Federal Government of Nigeria and some state governments ,disease control unit for promptly responding to the scourge. Question for today

Are you ready to spread rumours concerning coronavirus?

Yes or

Thanks everyone for your time!!!


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